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business-to-consumer e-commerce中文

用"business-to-consumer e-commerce"造句"business-to-consumer e-commerce" in a sentence"business-to-consumer e-commerce"怎麼讀


  • 企業到用戶電子商務


  • From our 6 years experience for making website of various organizations and the successful of a well - known business - to - consumer e - commerce website ,
    ,創造各種各樣網站和經營一個成功及知名度高的b2c e
  • Business - to - business e - commerce : amongst all other types of e - commerce , this way of doing business electronically through internet or electronic data interchange is the one deserves the most attention . as estimated by forrester research , b2b e - commerce will grow at a rate three times that of business - to - consumer e - commerce and thus has the greatest potential for growth
    企業與企業間的電子商貿business - to - business :這種通過互聯網或電子數據聯通方式進行的電子商貿活動是各種電子商貿模式中最值得關注及探討的,根據forrester研究公司預計,企業間的電子商貿活動,會比企業與消費者之間的電子商貿的發展速度快三倍,發展潛力最大。
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